

3D Productivity: For assets with the capability, 3D Productivity subscription provides several features: report 3D grade files to VisionLink Productivity for data on Site Summary and visualization on Map (Insights), usage of Grade and Compact asset tags; and also provides all features of Grade Connectivity subscription plan. On DSP, under NewVisionLink subscription with PerformancePro base plan, you can select 3D Productivity as an Optional Plan. To know more, contact your dealer and reference SIS document M0098303.


Archive: Store historical data of the site in case assets or operation location change. Prevent any site data collection beyond the archived date.

Advanced Productivity: On Dealer Service Portal (DSP), this is an optional plan under the New VisionLink PerformancePro base plan which allows the transfer of additional larger files not transmitted over satellite connections. This provides more detailed cycle segmentation and payload data from supported assets than a basic lifetime totals or payload. This also supports managing of remote lists and tickets/e-Tickets.

AP: Advanced Productivity.

Antenna: An interface between radio waves relaying and receiving signals between a transmitter and a receiver. Available on all WiFi, cellular, satellite and dual mode radios. Antennas may be internal or external. If antennas are damaged or disconnected, most radios will fail to communicate any data to the back office and respective applications.

Asset: The physical piece of machinery in the field identified by unique serial number to perform an intended action. Caterpillar and other brand machines are all considered assets.

Assets (Menu): Use Assets to find all your subscribed assets and asset specific data in one place. Track an asset's performance across time in graphical and tabular form.

Asset Card: An asset card contains some key details about the asset. Refer to Elements of Asset Card for more information. Also, found under Site Summary Asset List.

Asset Details Dashboard: Use Asset Details Dashboard to know if your asset is under- or over-performing, and where improvements can be made to enhance your productivity. Click on an asset listed in the Assets to view Asset Details Dashboard.

Asset List: On Site Summary, the Asset List displays KPI data recorded by each asset in the form of a chart and/or text. You can check an asset here to filter its data across Site Summary.

Asset Tag: The selection of the asset tag helps in calculation of cycles in an accurate manner.

Asset View: Displays data as charts and shows selected KPIs against set Targets. Click on the bars or lines in the charts to get its specific details. Refer to Summary View Options for Asset View for more information.

Asset Services: The tab under Manage menu. Here, you can reconfigure and/or view remote lists and remotely access certain assets for troubleshooting. Refer to Asset Services to know more.

Average Cycle Time: Typical cycle duration for all cycles in the site of previous week per day.

Average Load Time: Typical duration of hauler cycle load segments of a loader related to trucks in a particular zone.

Average Payload Per Cycle: Total Payload of all assets in selected asset tag/Total Number of cycles with payload associated assets.

Audit Logs: Displays records of site modification and asset entry and exit events within an account. Refer to Audit Logs for more information.

Auto Tag: The asset is assigned automatically to the site based on the most recently assigned tag for the same asset in another site. Refer to Add Assets for more information.


Body Up Switch: Body Up Switch monitoring for Hauler – Load & Haul assets helps improve the Dump event accuracy for a site. This could also be referred to as the Dump Switch on some assets. If the assets have a sensor (variable output), a switch (on/off or for high/low states) may need to be added to the asset.


Capacity: The maximum amount a hauler or loader asset or attachment can contain during loading or hauling operations.

Caterpillar Service Port: A Deustche-style nine (no ethernet) or 14 (with ethernet) pin wiring connection, usually inside the cab of the asset. This connection serves as a way that Caterpillar Communications Adapter can be connected. This connection allows PC (see electrical schematic) with Caterpillar Electronic Technician software to gather data from the asset to flash or configure ECMs.Ethernet devices will require a Category 5 ethernet cable (RJ45 connectors) to flash or configure.

CCID: Caterpillar Customer Identification Number (CCID) is a Caterpillar-specific business identification number created by the CCID application on Cat Dealer Storefront. Replaces the older Universal Customer Identification Number (UCID).

Cellular Radio: A radio communication device installed on an asset. Each cellular tower servers a small area of the site (known as a cell). The radio on the asset switches between these cells as it moves around. With this network of cellular towers, multiple assets can share data simultaneously while using a limited number of radio frequency channels. Note that even if a cellular device has coverage doesn't mean an asset with a different cellular device should have coverage. This depends on the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card inside the device.

CO2 Emitted: This metric found on Insights Summary, helps you track carbon dioxide emissions from your site by weight. Useful for aligning with region-wise emission standards.

Configuration: The setup for an asset performed by the dealer on Dealer Service Portal (DSP). Essential to ensure its tracking and measurement within VisionLink Productivity on a site- and asset-level.

Configure Columns: The option  to reorder or hide/display columns displayed across tables on VisionLink Productivity. Useful to clean up or add more metrics for analysis. Refer to Configure Columns to know more.

Cost: Track and measure costs incurred during your site operations using the cost dashboard.

CPM: Cat Production Measurement.

CSV: Comma Separated Value.

Cumulative Utilization: Refer to Utilization Methodology for more information on machine-based and movement-based utilization.

Currency: The system of money used in a particular country. Set your currency of choice under Preferences. This reflects on Site Summary Cost and useful when calculating fuel costs.Refer to Currency List for complete list of supported currencies.

Current: Displays all active sites that are generating data continuously.

Customer Administration Tool ( Access for assistance with asset, dealer, customer, account (UCID), DCN and/or CWS ID ownership and relational information.

Cut/Load Zone: Displays locations determined for performing cut or load activity on a site. Referto Cut/Load Zone for more information.

CWS ID: Corporate Web Security (CWS) ID is the user ID which allows access to Caterpillar applications.

Cycles: A collection of segments (load, dump, haul, etc.) performed by an asset within a site. For example, load-haul-dump, where the loader is loaded with material, travels to another location, and then dumps the material there. Generic cycles may be available for some assets and not for others. Detailed cycle segmentation data may also be available but requires an Advanced Productivity subscription.

Cycles Per Day: Total Cycles/Number of productive days of the date range for the selected asset tag.

Cycles Per Hour: Total Cycles/Max Runtime of selected asset tag.

Cycle Time: Minimum, maximum, average and total duration by the asset for all identified cycles.

Custom List: Displays the Material Load Count and Total Truck Count data for respective Hauler - Load & Haul, Loader - Load & Hauland Load Out trucks.


DCN: Dealer Customer Number. This is a dealer specific customer number that differs from the CCID and can be linked on Customer Administration Tool.

Download: The option to download reports and files of different kinds of data. With this, you can further analyze and process the report, or share it with others. Also, recover files uploaded to a site in case it was misplaced elsewhere.

DSP: Dealer Service Portal.

Dump Latitude: Latitude of the Dump Location.

Dump Longitude: Longitude of the Dump Location.

Dump Time: Duration of dump for the selected cycle.

Duration: Period between start date to end date (used in Reports).


ECM: Electronic Control Module.

Empty Stopped Time: The summation of all empty stopped segments for all the assets in selected asset tag operating in site.

Entry and Exit Logs: Navigate to Audit Logs > Entry and Exit Logs to view logs of assets that have crossed a site's boundaries. You can view further details like entry or exit date and time, asset tag, asset ID and more.

Efficiency: Calculated as total payload per unit of fuel burned for an asset.

Estimated: A qualifier added to KPIs and metrics to demarcate production data that's inputted on Create Site > Add Assets (for example, estimated payload, estimated volume, etc.).

Estimated Efficiency: Calculated as estimated payload per unit of fuel burned for an asset.

Estimated Payload: Estimated Payload value calculated using the estimated value entered in site set-up and number of calcuated load cycles.

Estimated Volume: Volume of material moved by the assets.

Estimated Volume Per Cycles: Total volume of all assets for selected asset tag divided by total number of cycles with volume associated assets.

ET: Electronic Technician.

Event: Term used to refer to activities completed by assets on a specific location of a site. This includes digging, dumping, among others.

Exemption: Displays areas that should not have cut/load or fill/dump events created. Refer to Exemption Zones for more information.


Fault Code: A specific alphanumeric code generated by an asset in case it doesn't function as expected. Share this with your dealer or technician so they can uncover, troubleshoot and fix whatever went wrong. You can view a limited set of fault codes on VisionLink Productivity for such items as damaged antennas, data not received, etc. For a complete listing, refer to VisionLink 

Fill/Dump Zone: Displays locations determined for performing fill or dump activity in a site. Refer to Fill/Dump Zones for more information.

Fleet View: Displays data for all your site's assets in tabular format, sorted by asset tag, KPI, and/or date range. Refer to Summary View Options for Fleet View for more information.

Fuel Burn Rate: Total Fuel Consumed/Total Duration in hours.


Grade: Additional hardware added to a standard asset to provide blade or cutting edge position and feedback to potentially control the asset and blade or cutting edge position during operation. There are many types and styles of Grade systems: 2D, 3D, sross slope, steer assist, laser base stations, and GPS reference among others. To know more, contact your dealer and reference SIS document M0098303.

Grade Connectivity: For assets with the capability, Grade Connectivity subscription provides several features: remote connectivity for file management and Remote Access, internet GNSS corrections and internet for Trimble Connected Community. On DSP, under NewVisionLink subscription with Performance base plan, you can select Grade Connectivity as an Optional Plan. To know more, contact your dealer and reference SIS document M0098303.

Group By: A sorting option that allows you to narrow data into drop down groups to find what you need quickly and easily. The option is available on Insights Production, Insights Utilization and Audit Logs.

Guided Tours: Use Quick Help to experience guided tours on VisionLink Productivity features with step-by-step instructions.


Hauler Cycle Time: Cycle time for a Hauler as measured from Dump to Dump. All hauler cycle times include a minimum of four segments: Load, Travel Loaded, Travel Empty and Dump, and if observed Stopped Loaded and Stopped Empty.

Hauler Load Time: Typical duration of a loader spent loading a hauler excluding the outlier cycles.

Hauler  - Load and Haul: Hauler is any asset which is hauling material around the site after being loaded by a Loader - Load & Haul. Refer to Hauler - Load and Haul for more information.


Idle Event: Refers to the location on map where idling was reported for the selected date range.

Idle Fuel Burn:The summation of fuel burned during idling of longer than three minutes (short, medium, long) hours for all assets based on asset type and date range which reports fuel.

Idle Fuel Percentage: Percentage of Fuel Burn for all assets in selected tag during Idling of longer than three minutes which report fuel.

Import: Uploading data into the application to help you more accurately, quickly and easily manage your site information. This extends to asset lists, site weight data, files and more.

Insights: Insights allows you to deeply analyze cycle and asset levels for determining the root cause parameters of production and utilization downfall for the selected site.

Insights Report (CSV): Get regular updates about the Insights data of a site. Refer to Insights Report for more information.


KPI: Key Performance Indicator


Load Count: Number of cycles conducted by the assets.

Load Out Cycle Time: Typical Cycle Time for a Load Out Cycle – a Loader or Loadout Cycle is equivalent to one bucket cycle made up of Dig, Travel/Swing Loaded, Dump, Travel/Swing Empty.

Loaded Stopped Time: The summation of all loaded stopped segments for all the assets in selected asset tag operating in site.

Loader Cycle Time: Typical loader cycle time provided by Advanced Productivity-capable assets for productive cycles.

Loader - Load and Haul: The Loader is used to load the Haulers. Refer to Loader - Load and Haul for more information.

Load Out: This is loading on highway trucks and does not require interaction between the hauler and loader. Refer to Load Out for more information.

Loads Per Day: Total Loads/Number of productive days of the date range for selected asset tag.

Loads Per Hour: Total Loads/(Max Runtime of selected asset tag).

Load Site List: Displays all load site locations the asset visits within the site. It also notes their number, making it easier to track. Refer to Load Site List for more information. 

Long Idle Percentage: Percent of time for all assets part of the selected tag engaged in Long Idle (nine+ minutes) with no movement for more than nine minutes.


Machine Idle-based Utilization: Refer to Utilization Methodology for more information.

Make: Assigned make code for the asset or the manufacturer

Manage:As an Admin or Standard User, use the Manage menu to access several features. These include scheduling reports, setting targets, adding/managing users (available only to Admins), uploading files and more.

Map View: Helps you visualize and analyze site details based on its pinned geographic location. Refer to Map View for more information. 

Material List: Displays all materials handled by that asset (for example, stone, coal, wood) along with their density values. Refer to Material List for more information. 

Measured: A qualifier added to KPIs and metrics to demarcate particular production data. This data is directly taken from the asset sensors and transmitted via the PLE network (for example, measured payload, measured volume, etc.).

Measured Efficiency: Calculated as Measured Payload per unit of Fuel Burned for an asset.

Measured Payload: Payload value measured using Caterpillar payload systems, the system needs to be calibrated for this measurement to function properly.

Medium Idle Percentage: Percent of Time in which all assets part of the selected tag engaged in Medium Idle with no movement for more than six-nine minutes.

Misc. Time: Duration of a cycle which was not able to be classified into something else, but machine operation was recognized.

Model: Unique model number provided for the asset by the asset's manufacturer.

More Options: The three dots  that appear next to several items across the appliction. From here, select one of various actions relevant to its corresponding element.

Movement-based Utilization: Refer to Utilization Methodology for more information.


Network Manager: A program to manage available networks on a site to ensure assets are connected and reliably sending data.

Non-productive Work: Miscellaneous work involving maintenance, repair and related tasks that don't add to site productivity (payloads, cycles, etc.).


Operating: Refers to the asset operations carried out on a site.

Operating Cost: Cost of complete operation of the asset.

Operation Time: Total time taken for an asset operating within a site for a defined time period.

Onboard: Refers to the asset data.

Offboard: Refers to the cloud data.


Pagination: The process of organising and categorizing information (assets, sites, reports, etc.) across pages. This increases loading time and removes clutter, making it easier to access data.

Pass Count Per Cycle: Count of Loader Passes in a single Hauler cycle reported by TPMS / Advanced Productivity capable haulers.

Payload: Total weight of materials measured by the assets.

Payload Per Cycle: Total Payload for selected asset tag/Total number of cycles for selected asset tag.

Payload Per Hour: Total Payload for selected asset tag/Total run time.

PDF: Portable Document Format.

Performance: Performance (or VisionLink Performance) is a subscription plan that provides more comprehensive data, reporting frequency, and cost-efficiency data. It is the minimum subscription required to access VisionLink Productivity.

Pile Cleanup Time: The summation of Pile Cleanup cycles duration for all assets of the selected asset tag, if the Loader is not capable of Advanced Productivity then this value is not available.

PL:  Product Link (Pro).

Playback: Watch and rewind/forward the movement of your assets on a site recorded over the past 24 hours. Refer to View Playback to know more.

PLE:  Product Link Elite.

Preferences: Modify and change the settings as you wish to better suit your workflow and ease comprehension of KPI values. Refer to Preferences for more information.

Production: Highlights the efficiency of operations in a site.

Productive: A qualifier added to KPIs and metrics to demarcate utilization data that's in service of improving site operations (for example, productive efficiency, productive idle, etc.).

Productive Efficiency: Summation of total payload divided by total fuel burned for productive cycles only.

Production Event:  Refers to the location on map where production data was reported for the selected date range.


Remote List: With Remote List, maintain the latest truck, material and load site information for the selected asset of the site. These lists are also useful to know and measure the quanta of the respective material, truck or load site elements.

Rental Assets: Assets that are rented out for a fixed (usually short-term) duration and usage. These do not include purchased or leased assets.

ReportsReports help you track the progress of your sites’ performance over a specific period of time. Refer to Schedule Report for more information.

Roading Time: The summation of roading cycles duration for assets of the selected asset tag, if the asset is not capable of Advanced Productivity then this value is not available.

Runtime: The time period an asset within a site has been active for. This includes both working time and idle (productive, short, medium and long).

Runtime Hours: The summation of working and idle hours to determine the asset's total running duration for the selected date range.

Runtime Chart: The summation for productivity KPI parameters such as working, long, short and medium idling hours represented as a graph.

Runtime Report (PDF): Use Custom Report to schedule report with runtime data. Refer to Configuring Runtime Data Using Custom Reports to know more.


Satellite Radio: A radio communication device installed on an asset that communicates with orbiting satellites. Satellite communications remain much more expensive than cellular communications, leading to less data transferred to the cloud this way. Satellite communications are limited to more daily communications and doesn't support Advanced Productivity (cycle and payload data) or 3D Productivity (3D grade data) Optional Plans on Dealer Service Portal (DSP).

Schedule/Shift: This refers to the working day for a site. Delegate assets on a shift basis across a 24-hour period. Refer to Add Shifts for more information.

Scraper: This indicates Wheel Tractor Scraper assets requires only Advanced Productivity data to display KPI values. Refer to Scraper for more information.

Segment: A component or part of a cycle. It refers to one action performed by an asset within a site.

Serial Number: The unique identifying number that sets apart every Cat or non-Cat asset from each other. Use this to distinguish assets' performance on a site.

Shift Comparison Report (PDF): Compare shifts over the past month or week. Refer to Shift Comparison Report to know more.

Shift Summary Report (PDF): Get a day-wise or shift-wise summary of a site using Custom Report. Refer to Configuring Runtime Data Using Custom Reports to know more.

Short Idle Percentage: Percent of Time all the assets of selected tag engaged engaged in Short Idle with no movement for more than three to six minutes.

Site Boundary: It identifies assets that enter or exit from the site. Refer to Site Boundary for more information.

Site Card: A site card gives you birds-eye view of a site in the Grid View of the Sites Dashboard.

Site Dashboard: Displays all sites created under the selected account. Sites can be created with assets that have a Cat Essentials subscription with VisionLink Load and Cycle Project Monitoring, or an Advanced Productivity add on.

Site Image: Site images help you add layers to the existing map view across the application. This allows for more accurate understanding of your site, and its zones and events. Refer to Add Site Images for more information.

Site Log: Enables you to track and monitor changes made to a site. Refer Site Logs for more information. 

Site Operation Time: The summation of maximum Working Hours of asset/Working days.

Site Summary: Enables you to further drill-down and view detailed information about a site.

Slider Pane: On the left side of Insights Map is a slider pane that expands when you click on the arrow. It displays assets, events, site images and zones that you can select to view in detail.

Stockpile Zone: A zone where both Fill/Dump and Cut/Load events occur. Refer to Stockpile Zone for more information.

Stopped Time: The summation of loaded and empty stopped times of all assets of selected asset tag.

Substate: Refers to the components that make up idle time, mainly productive (< three minutes), short (three to six minutes), medium (six to nine minutes) and long (> nine minutes) idle. Assists in more granular calculation of utilization data.

Support: This is an asset that assist with another asset in site during malfunction. Refer to Support for more information.


Target: Helps you increase efficiency and track your site performance through comparison. This will help you know if you've gone ahead or fallen behind, leading to better planning and budgeting in the future. 

Telematics: Devices and systems that share data through cellular devices or satellites (for simple and/or daily data) to the cloud. This allows your data to be viewable offboard on the back office or on applications like VisionLink Productivity.

Third Party Machine: Refers to non-Caterpillar machine.

Total Fuel Burn: Total Fuel Burned for all assets in selected tag which reports fuel.

Total Idling Time: The summation of short, medium and long idling for the selected date range.This will report values for all assets which report Working and Idle time.

Total Loader Duration: Sum of all hauler cycle load segments of a loader related to trucks in a particular zone.

Total Loader Payload: Sum of all hauler cycle payloads of a loader related to trucks in a particular zone.

Total Payload: Total Payload for selected asset tag/Total run time.

Total Runtime: The summation of number of hours the engine was ON for all assets of selected asset tag operating in site. This will report for all assets in the site.

Total Volume: Summation of volume from completed load haul dump cycles for the selected date range.

Total Working Time: Summation of working time and productive idling for the selected date range. This will report values for all assets which report Working and Idle time.

TPMS: Truck Payload Measurement System.

Traffic: Provides an insight into the areas where assets spend the most time. It plots the telematics location of a particular asset, for a single day, as a heat map. Asset filters can be used to view traffic data for single or multiple assets.

Transmission Shift Count: Number of gear shift transitions made by Hauler – Load & Haul drivers during productive cycles.

Truck List: Displays all truck payload types handled by that asset along with their target weights. Refer to Truck List for more information. 


UCID: Older term, referring to Universal Customer Identification Number. Refer to CCID to know more.

Users: With Users, find a summary of users mapped to the currently logged-in customer account. It helps Admins to quickly add, edit and delete user(s) within the account.

Utilization: Utilization helps you analyze the usage of assets at site.


View By: This option displays data in different forms to analyze data the way you want. This can be by KPI, chart or matrix view and more.

VIMS: Vital Information Management System (predecessor to TPMS 1.0).

Volume: The amount of space occupied by a material when loaded onto or moved by an asset. An alternative measurement to weight. Refer to Units of Measurement to know about the measurement units used.

Volume per day: Total cubic yards of all the hauler for the selected date range divided by number of productive days of the date range


Working Duration: The total time spent by the asset on operations within the site for a selected date range.

Working State: Utilization cycles created during Asset Moving, Asset Stopped, Engine On or Engine Off. These can be broken up into substates depending on the action being performed states.

Working Time: The summation of total run time subtracting idle time for the selected date range.

Working Time Percentage: Percentage of working time of the assets in respective site/Total run time for the selected date range multiplied by 100.


Zone: Represents sectioned area(s) within your site where specific functions take place. This can include areas where your assets dump material, pick up material, etc.

Zone Map: Use Zones in Insights Map for more information about active and deleted zones. It helps to classify data zone-wise and enables better location-based tracking and analysis.