October 2020
Enhanced Site Card Design with Added Features
Mark the site as favorite and view the industry type for the created site.
View data as per utilization values, cycle per hour and total number of assets for today, yesterday and last seven days.
Search site bar is now available on upper right of the page to make it easy to find your sites quickly.
Enhancements in Create Zones When Creating Site
The following enhancements are available in Create Zones within Create Site:
The Create Zones has been redesigned to improve the usability in drawing more zones for the site.
Now perform necessary actions such as select assets, select events, create zone names, view zone list using a layer icon in the map.
Select both Advanced Productivity and VisionLink™ Load and Cycle subscribed assets and able to search or filter the listed assets.
Draw zones for the load and dump events in the map based on the selected assets effectively.
View list of created zones on Zones List to know the zone type and name of the created zones while drawing boundaries for the site.
View the uploaded site images during editing of site.
Support Asset Tag in VisionLink Productivity
View support assets and data on Utilization. Select support asset tag on Create Site, Site Summary and Productivity Insights.
Calculation Improvements in Utilization Values for Loaders - CPI 477602
View accurate utilization values using machine-idle or cumulative utilization logic for Loader – Load & Haul, Load Out and Support asset tags based on the selected site and utilization KPIs.
The machine-idle based utilization logic is based on assets idle and working state reported as idle events occur, not all assets support this level of information.
The cumulative based utilization logic is based on periodic cumulative data of total idling and total runtime hours from which idle and working hours is derived for last 24 hrs. The cumulative utilization logic is used when the asset does not report individual idle events.
You are notified through a disclaimer pop-up while navigating to Utilization when there are assets on a site for which utilization is being calculated based on cumulative logic. Idle hours cannot be classified further into medium and long idle for such assets.
An indication icon is also provided in the Asset List of area chart to clearly indicate that those assets does not report medium and long idle. This helps you identify the assets calculated based on cumulative utilization logic.
Enhancements in Map View of VisionLink Productivity
is included along with hotspot legend to clearly indicate that only events from the assets are shown in Site Summary map view. This helps you avoid confusion of the counts and ensures that KPI and hotspot do not represent the same data.
Zone legends are removed in the map view as it provides duplicate information and looks clumpy when more zone legends are displayed in the map view. View the same zone information on Create Zones.
Dump and Load are renamed in map view as Dump and Load eEvents.
The satellite and terrain icons are also introduced in the map, allowing you to toggle between satellite and terrain views.
Date Format Improvements
The date format is now available as DD MMM YYYY or MMM DD, YYYY in Preference settings for improvements in consistency across VisionLink Productivity. View the updated date format settings on all pages and tabs of VisionLink Productivity. These settings are also reflected in the downloaded .csv sheet.
Enhancements in Productivity Insights
The following enhancements are available in Productivity Insights:
is available in the top right corner of the Productivity Insights to specify criteria and narrow down the list of records in asset and cycle details.
Download the search results in .csv format for Production, Utilization and Asset Summary.
The select asset icon is introduced in Playback View. Select or deselect the respective assets for viewing the playback movement in the Select Asset pop-up.
Additional columns such as Working Duration, Idle Duration, Working Fuel Burn and Idle Fuel Burn are added in Utilization.
Assets with cumulative records are displayed on Utilization based on the new utilization logic.
Enhancements in Cycle Counts - CPI 477530
The mismatch of load and dump counts for the same cycle is now fixed with the help of subscription-based cycle logic implementation.