Upload Files
On Files, you can upload files to any of the sites in your account. In the same process, you can also sync them to the respective site’s asset(s).
VisionLink Productivity provides the ability to upload various file types.
To upload a file:
Navigate to Manage > Files to get started.
Click .
Select the file category (also lists what file types fall under each category):
With the following file types, the category to choose will depend on the following:
• For uploading CoordSystemDatabase.xml files, select Geodata.
• For uploading landXML .xml or office design .ttm files, select Design.
• For uploading survey .ttm files, select Survey.
Refer to the respective sections below to know more about all the steps involved in uploading different file categories.
The following are things to keep in mind across all file types:
• You can override files previously uploaded with its latest version.
• Do not refresh or close the page while the uploading/processing of file is in progress. However, you can continue using the application and accessing other tabs.
• File names with the following characters aren’t supported: \ / * ? < > | "" % +
Uploading Calibration Files
Calibration files are used by asset control systems. They convert latitude, longitude and height values into northing, easting and elevation grid values. This calibration file can be sent wireless to the asset and also used for displaying data on VisionLink Productivity.
• To upload a calibration file, a site should have an existing site boundary or you will need to create one. Refer to Create or Modify Site Boundary to Upload Calibration File to know more.
• The calibration file may reference other files like a geodata file. If you’re planning to also upload geodata file(s), ensure the uploaded calibration file has their file name(s) referenced. Contact your survey manager to get the required site calibration and optional geodata files.
• Any VisionLink Productivity site that monitors grade productivity can have only one calibration file.
• You need to upload a calibration file if you're adding Grade or Compact assets to your site.
To upload calibration files:
On Files, click > select Calibration.
Select the desired site from the Site Name drop down.
On the Site Name drop down, you can search for your desired site in case to quickly find and select them. -
Drag and drop the file from your device or click Browse to find the file.
On Upload Calibration, you can only upload .cal and .dc file types. -
Give it a few minutes for the upload to complete.
A successful upload of the file will be denoted in the Status column. Click Next to proceed.
On the Select Assets step, choose the assets where you want to send the uploaded files. Click Process & Send to proceed.
Click toggle on to select all assets in the list below and any more compatible assets added to the site in the future. This ensures the file will be synced to all of them going forward.
Uploading Design Files
Design files enhance site monitoring and display updates over time and work. You can upload various kinds of design files.
• It is recommended to upload design files less than 25MB in file size. This ensures optimum asset performance.
• Design files must not exceed 50MB in file size.
• Before uploading design files, a calibration file must be available on the site.
To upload design files:
On Files, click > select Design.
Select the desired site from the Site Name drop down.
On the Site Name drop down, you can search for your desired site in case to quickly find and select them. -
Drag and drop the file from your device or click Browse to find the file.
On Upload Design, you can only upload ..dsz, .vcl, .xml (landXML) and .ttm (office design) file types. -
Give it a few minutes for the upload to complete.
A successful upload of the file will be denoted in the Status column. Click Next to proceed.
• If you're uploading .dsz files, a 3D visualization will be generated for you to preview. Refer to Preview File to know more.
• .dsz files comprise of .svd (design) and .svl (linework) files. If either are missing, the 3D preview model will be incomplete.
◦ If neither are available, the .dsz file won’t be processed or sent to the asset. -
On the Select Assets step, choose the assets where you want to send the uploaded files. Click Process & Send to proceed.
Click toggle on to select all assets in the list below and any more compatible assets added to the site in the future. This ensures the file will be synced to all of them going forward.
Uploading Geodata Files
Geodata files are sometimes used when site calibrations are created. If a surveyor uses a geodata file (like a geoid file) when creating the calibration file (.cal), the geoid files need to be uploaded to the asset.
These files ensure more accurate reporting of site and asset data.
• To know more about geodata files, reach out to your project’s survey manager.
• You must also upload calibration and CoordSystemDatabase.xml files to the relevant site as well.
• The geoid, calibration and CoordSystemDatabase.xml file names should match, both offboard (on the application) and onboard the asset.
• Any .xml file not named as “CoordSystemDatabase.xml” can only be uploaded as a design file.
• You can only upload one calibration and geoid file type per site. If you want to re-upload a geoid file of a particular file type, you’ll need to delete the existing one first.
For an optimum experience while using geoid files, upload files in the following order:
1. Calibration file
2. Geodata file
3. CoordSystemDatabase.xml file
To upload geodata files:
On Files, click > select Geodata.
Select the desired site from the Site Name drop down.
On the Site Name drop down, you can search for your desired site in case to quickly find and select them. -
Drag and drop the file from your device or click Browse to find the file.
Geodata file
• Your site may already have a calibration file uploaded prior. If so, you can upload geodata file without it referenced in the calibration file.
• Only one geodata file of each file type can be uploaded to a single site at time. Delete the existing geodata file of a particular file type before uploading another one of the same type.
• Ensure the geodata file has the specific geodata file with file name referenced.
• You can upload either published or custom geodata files of the following file types: .ggf, .sgf, .dat and .dgf.
◦ If you’re uploading a custom geoid file, ensure you’ve edited the CoordSystemDatabase.xml file to reference the same.-
Give it a few minutes for the upload to complete.
Relevant CoordSystemDatabase.xml file:
• The CoordSystemDatabase.xml file should be referenced in both the geodata and calibration files uploaded to that site.
• For custom geoid files, you’ll need to update the CoordSystemDatabase.xml file accordingly.
• Under Upload Geodata, you can only upload CoordSystemDatabase.xml files. No other .xml files are supported. To upload other .xml files, refer to Uploading Design Files.-
Give it a few minutes for the upload to complete.
A successful upload of the file will be denoted in the Status column. Click Next to proceed.
On the Select Assets step, choose the assets where you want to send the uploaded files. Click Process & Send to proceed.
Click toggle on to select all assets in the list below and any more compatible assets added to the site in the future. This ensures the file will be synced to all of them going forward.
Uploading Imagery Files
Imagery files work as site images, helping you add layers to the existing map view across the application.
This allows for more accurate understanding and clarity of your site along with its terrain, zones and events.
You can zoom into the uploaded images from 15 to 20 levels (extended from site view to lane view).
• The site image should have a known EPSG published coordinate system (e.g., EPSG:4326) and bounding values with RGB coverage information.
• Currently there is no support for local coordinate systems when uploading these imagery files.
• Imagery files will be uploaded as is. Any trimming or editing needs to be completed prior to uploading.
• You can also copy a processed imagery file to another site within your account.
• Unlike other file categories, you can upload imagery files only to the site. It cannot be synced or sent to the site’s assets.
To upload imagery files:
On Files, click > select Imagery.
Select the desired site from the Site Name drop down.
On the Site Name drop down, you can search for your desired site in case to quickly find and select them. -
Drag and drop the file from your device or click Browse to find the file.
On Upload Imagery, you can only upload .tiff/.tif file types.
For imagery files, you can upload multiple files at the same time. -
Click Upload to complete the process.
Give it a few minutes for the file(s) to upload.
Uploading Survey Files
Survey files are triangulated surface files that represent the ground state at a specific moment in time. The survey file can be created using data collectors or drones, incorporating survey measurement and data. Survey data is used to build composite surfaces throughout the application.
Once uploaded into VisionLink Productivity, all survey files are time-stamped.
To upload survey files:
On Files, click > select Survey.
Select the desired site from the Site Name drop down.
On the Site Name drop down, you can search for your desired site in case to quickly find and select them. -
Drag and drop the file from your device or click Browse to find the file.
On Upload Survey, you can only upload survey-based .ttm file types. -
Under Survey Timestamp, select the date and time the file was created. Click Apply to save the date and time.
Click Upload to complete the process.
Give it a few minutes for the file(s) to upload.