December 2021


Simplify Productivity Analysis with New Sites Dashboard

Easily learn about your site at a glance with the new and intuitive Grid view. Change the date range, view primary KPI and flip to check out more KPIs. Also customize dates on the card to view data across date ranges.


New Quick Walkthrough to Help Create Sites

Check out the brand new walkthrough experience to create sites in quick, easy, and interactive steps. You can take the quick walkthrough right after entering VisionLink Productivity or by clicking the link at the bottom of Sites Dashboard.


View and Analyze Site Traffic with a Click

View movement of assets within a site with the all-new traffic feature on Productivity Insights Map Tab. This plots the telematics location of assets, for a single day, in the form of a heat map.


Instantly Download Fleet View Production Data

Download data on Production's Fleet View as a .csv file. Use fleet view data to understand and analyze the work done by individual assets and between zones.


Stay Updated on Last Reported Timestamp of All Assets

View Date Last Reported for an asset on All Assets under Productivity Dashboard. Also look out for the  alert icon that warns about any connectivity issues related to antenna errors for an asset.


Rectified Failure in .CSV Files Download for Over 15 Days: CPI 496010

[Unable to download .csv file for days more than 15 days]

By removing the limitation in data population for .csv downloads, the error in downloading the productivity and utilization .csv files has been rectified. You can now download more than 15 days of data once again.


Fixed Blank Shift Summary Report Generation Issue: CPI 497797

[Shift Summary report shows up blank daily]

The Shift Summary Reports are now generated and delivered with appropriate data to all those who have set up a shift and scheduled a report.


Identified and Rectified Zero Site Cycle Reporting Issue: CPI 499866 

[Site shows no productivity data]

A bottleneck caused due to an unprecedented surge in data requests is now removed and checks have been put in place to prevent recurrence. Now, records can be fetched in larger quantities and quicker speed.


Rectified Incorrect Target Value Occurrence in Shift Summary Report: CPI 499574

[Hauler payload/hour target value is incorrect in the shift summary report]

With a minor update in the computation method, the glitch causing mismatch on Target values between Shift Summary Report and Site Summary has been rectified. Both the app and reports generated now display the same data.


Rectified Missing Truck Payload Data Classification Error: CPI 499500

[Payload data is not populating]

The issue with identifying and subsequent tagging of the payload data reported by assets is now rectified. The data is now classified as either estimated or measured and being populated correctly.


Eliminated Unknown Loader Cycle Occurrence Issue in NGH Assets: CPI 491076

[NGH AP load segment timestamp does not align with real time and AP truck load segment timestamp causes unknown loader cycle on VLP]

By adding a display monitor software when setting up NGH assets, the time drift issue is fixed. Now, hauler cycles will contain the respective Loader in this scenario.


Fixed Utilization Insights Report Date Range to Display Data Cut-off Time: CPI 500694

[Insights Utilization reports has date range reset to start of the day instead of data cut off time]

With improvements in data reference logic made, the issue of Utilization Insights Report showing start of the day instead of data cut-off time is fixed.


Rectified Issue of Missing Payload Data in Map Dump Location: CPI 498054

[Payload missing in map dump location]

Specific use cases for different assets and back-end fixes were added. It rectified the issue of missing payload data in Insights Map for dump locations.


Resolved Issue of Missing Assets Data in Remote List Management: CPI 501980

[Asset is not showing on Remote List Management]

Improvements in the new asset subscription process made by the engineering team has fixed the asset serial number mapping process. Remote Lists are reporting all assets accurately now.