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Utilization (Insights) Tab
Utilization (Insights) displays the asset utilization data of the selected site based on the selected asset tag and date range.
Site Drop-down List: Select the preferred site to view its production and utilization details. Refer to Create Site for more information on creation of site.
Asset Tags: Select the asset tag for which the utilization details are to be displayed in the table. The available asset tags are:
Hauler - Load & Haul
Loader - Load & Haul
Load Out
Support asset tags are currently not supported. -
Group By Option: View and compare asset utilization data by grouping them based on Asset Serial Number, Zones, Working State and Sub State.
These options are available for all asset tags. By default, the table displays data grouped by None and you need to change the selection to group the data respectively. The selected option remains the same even when you switch between tabs or changes asset tags.
The count of events under each group is displayed next to its name for all Group By options except None.
By None: The option displays the default table, without grouping the events data.
By Asset Serial Number: The option displays events data grouped by unique asset serial numbers.
By Zone: The option displays events data grouped by unique zones.
By Working State: The option displays events data grouped by unique working states.
By Sub State: The option displays events data grouped by unique sub states.
Date Range: Select the date range for which the utilization details for the selected asset tag are to be displayed.
The available date range selections are Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days and Custom Range. Last 7 days is the default selection. For Custom Range, choose the required From and Todates from calendar for last 13 months.
The selection of start date should not be greater than the end date.
The available date range is based on you local browser time zone and not that of individual sites.
Select one day into the future of their local time zone if the said date is available in a different time zone. This will allow them to view site data for a time zone ahead of theirs consistently.
Table view: Displays utilization details based on assets. Each record shows the asset ID, serial number and activity performed during the cycle.
The first column shows the Asset ID, Serial Number and Asset Icon by default. The asset icons are displayed based on the model of the selected asset. The time stamp for respective asset listed in column details are sorted in descending order. The column header can be sorted individually in ascending
or descending
order by clicking the respective icons. The utilization table includes asset column and its related utilization details.
Options: Open the list to View Playback.
Last Updated: View the timestamp of the last reported data. Click info
to view the time zone (country/city) of the selected site.
More Options: Click more options
to perform the following:
Schedule Report: Receive periodic (daily, weekly and monthly) updates on all your Utilization (Insights) data as a .xlsx and .csx file.
Configure Columns: Customize the production details table to display only the required data in preferred order.
Search: Search respective asset by Asset ID or Serial Number. A minimum of three characters is required to refine the search results.
Filters: Specify criteria for each of the table columns to narrow down the list of records in asset and cycle details. The values of selected filter columns are loaded based on the selected site and date range. It is available only on Production (Insights) and Utilization (Insights) tabs.
For the shifts filter:
• Filter shift(s) by single or multiple days.
• You can select shifts only if chosen date range contains supporting shift data.
• If your site contains no shifts data, set up shifts in the Add Shifts step when creating or editing a site.
View Image -
Download: Allows you to download utilization data of site in .csv format for the selected date range.
The download
is disabled when there is no data on Insights for the selected date range.
The selected or reordered KPI lists in configure column are retained in the downloaded .csv sheet.