January 2022


List Summary Available in Summary View

View site data summarized by onboard lists on Summary View. It is available for all asset tags that have supporting data, lists include Truck, Material, and Custom.


View All Assets Data Under Assets Menu

Under Assets, you can view cycle details, KPIs and other metrics of all subscribed now. Click on an asset to view data for the selected date range in chart and list formats.


View Three New Columns for Loader Cycles in Insights Production Tab

You can now view Bucket Payload Sequence, Truck Payload, and Total Truck Buckets data in the Insights Production. Use settings  to add the columns to the table view. These columns are only available for loaders subscribed to Advanced Productivity.




Asset Model Number Mismatch with Asset Serial Number Rectified - CPI 500741 

[Showing wrong asset model number in VLP for the respective serial number]

The mismatch between an asset model number and asset serial number was corrected.


Cycle Data Overlap Instances in Same Cycle ID Fixed – CPI 464750 

[Advanced Productivity Application has found instances of overlapping data with different descriptions within the same Cycle ID]

The issue of data overlap is avoidable by preventing generation of any cycle segmentation data during asset wake-up (before GPS is available). If any asset is not synced for over 72 hours, the cycle data will be generated only after successful sync to GPS time.


Error in Editing and Adding Assets in Remote Lists Rectified – CPI 501218 

[Unable to add or edit trucks in Advanced Productivity remote list]

With a backend system fix, the problem in adding and editing assets for Remote Lists of Advanced Productivity has been resolved. The lists are now reporting updated lists with the newly added/edited assets accurately.


Missing Cycles Data in Assets Tab Fixed with Updated Business Logic – CPI 500259 

[All Assets View does not populate cycles data]

By fixing the cumulative weight calculation business logic, the issue of missing cycles data in All Assets is rectified. The cycles data is now available and reported accurately.


Design Limitation Causing Load Count Mismatch to be Fixed – CPI 498849 

[Load Count mismatch between VLP and Shift Summary Report]

A backend feature enhancement in the upcoming release will fix the design limitation causing a mismatch between Load Count values in VisionLink Productivity application and Shift Summary Reports.


General Advisory: Wait for the widgets to load before saving the report - CPI 503025 

[Scheduled reports email not triggered for .csv and .xls format (Advanced Productivity)]

To prevent instances of emails not being triggered for scheduled reports in .csv and .xls format, you should wait for all the widgets to be loaded before saving the report details.


Issues in Downloading Advanced Productivity Reports Resolved – CPI 506285

[Facing intermittent issue in downloading reports in Advanced Productivity]

With a change in the backend algorithms, reports in Advanced Productivity are now generated with available supporting data as expected.


Error caused due to backend updates identified and resolved – CPI 506993

[User preference API is throwing 401]

With the implementation of new updates to the application log-in process, the previous systems have changed responses. The problem won’t recur once the user migrates.