June 2022
New Segments Added for Excavator Assets in Segments Donut Chart
Excavators that perform loading activity now have Swing Loaded and Swing Empty segments visualized in the segments donut chart.
South African Rand Is Now Available in VisionLink Productivity and Insights
Create and analyze cost-related data for sites using the South African Rand now.
Get the Best of Two Zones with Stockpile Zones
Stockpile zones allow both load and dump events in a single zone. This helps when materials need to be stored temporarily, prior to loading a hauling asset or dumping in a crusher.
Add Standard User Role for More Flexible Access
Users assigned the Standard role have all the abilities of an Admin except User Management, which is disabled for them. Admins can assign, modify or delete Standard user roles.
Reports Now Delivered as an Attachment Via Email
You can choose to get your scheduled reports delivered as an attachment rather than a link to download the files. Check the box in Schedule & Email Details to avail this feature.
Search and Filter Your Reports by Type and Site Name Now
Locate reports easily in Report Management by Report Name using the search bar. Additionally, you can also filter reports in the list based on Report Type and Site Name.
Changes in Data Validation Process Rectifies the Issue of Missing Assets in Advanced Productivity: CPI 510182
[Unable to view the asset in Advanced Productivity Application]
Advanced Productivity now displays all assets correctly by enabling the assets code in the token validation response as part of the B2C migration process.