May 2021
Copy Existing to Create Similar New Site Now
Now create multiple similar sites by copying and renaming existing sites. This helps you split operations for larger sites and track assets performing multiple activities.
Site Summary Enhancements
View and compare KPIs of multiple assets at once with larger Asset List for a selected site.
A new filter option is introduced in the Asset List to view as KPI, Chart or Both. Visualize and compare KPI parameters and charts between multiple assets for the selected site.
Date Range and Time for Archived Sites in Productivity Insights
Receive notifications that display archived date and time for archived sites. This helps you know the date and time when site was archived. Also, view historical data of the archived site by changing the date range.
Date Range Visible in Site Cards for Archived Sites
Now, view the date on which sites have been archived under the Show More drop-down list of archived sites cards. This helps you easily view the historical data of archived sites by customizing the date range on Site Summary view based on the archived date.
Viewing Site Details on Map is Now Possible
Now view details on site card on Map View by selecting pin near the search field. View location of site that is pinned on the map. This helps you visualize and analyze sites details in a location-based format.
Production Map Loading Optimized - CPI 486643
The migration to enhanced query systems has improved the performance of maps in Production, and they are loading as expected.
Geofence Load Count Inconsistencies Removed - CPI 492000
The geofence summary load count and actual load events in the map show matching values with the rectification of pagination inconsistencies.
Data Latency in Site Data Retrieval Optimized – CPI 492003
An increase in overall data retrieval instances helps process and push more data. This reduces the delay in displaying site data.
Missing Loader Details Identified and Issue Is Resolved - CPI 490380
[Unknown loader issue for the site]
Missing details of a loader were found to have been caused due to a communication error in the system. The fix is implemented to avoid such lapses in the future.
Error of Missing Load and Dump Zone Coordinates Caused By Inaccurate GPS Location Rectified – CPI 494937
[VisionLink Productivity not showing load and dump locations]
Using consolidated GPS data from available sources, the missing coordinates of load and dump zones now appear correctly.