Custom Report
Custom Reports will replace Shift Summary and Runtime Reports. To know how to schedule custom reports with either data set, refer to:
• Configuring Shift Summary Data Using Custom Reports
• Configuring Runtime Data Using Custom Reports
Use Custom Report to create a tailor-made report, suited to your specific needs. Choose required asset tags (Hauler - Load & Haul, Loader - Load & Haul, Scraper, Load Out and Support), different data sets, and even specific shifts and time periods. It reports a site’s production and utilization data for the selected date range as a .pdf file.
If shifts are available and selected, custom reports are sent three hours from shift end time. Otherwise, it is sent as a daily report.
You can choose the required Sections to be displayed (as its own page) in the report:
Selecting this section provides an overview of all major KPIs related to your selected asset tags. This information will be available in a chart or KPI card format.
This is how a sample report page looks like:
Based on available data, this report section displays the following key metrics:
Total hauler/load out/scraper payload
Total hauler/load out/scraper cycles
Overall utilization
Hauler volume/hour
Average hauler/loader/load out/scraper cycle time
Hauler/loader/load out/scraper utilization
Load/Cycle CountLoad/Cycle Count
Selecting this section provides load/cycle count information related to your selected asset tag(s). This information will be available in a chart or matrix table format.
This is how a sample report page looks like:
Based on available data, this report section displays the following key metrics:
Hauler/load out/scraper cycle count per hour
Loader load count per hour
Hauler/loader assets' cycle count
Hauler/loader/load out/scraper zone-wise cycle count
Selecting this section provides payload-related metrics for your selected asset tag(s). This information will be available in a chart or matrix table format.
This is how a sample report page looks like:
Based on available data, this report section displays the following key metrics:
Hauler/loader/load out/scraper payload per hour
Hauler/loader asset-wise payload load dump
Hauler/loader zone-wise payload load dump
Load out/scraper material-wise payload summary
Load out/scraper truck-wise payload summary
Load out/scraper zone-wise payload summary
Selecting this section provides volume metrics for your selected asset tag(s). This information will be available in a chart or matrix table format.
This is how a sample report page looks like:
Based on available data, this report section displays the following key metrics:
Hauler volume/hour
Hauler/loader asset-wise payload load dump
Hauler/loader zone-wise payload load dump
Productivity MapProductivity Map
Selecting this section provides a map-wise display of productivity data related to your selected asset tag(s). This information will be available as a map image with highlighted hotspots in relevant, distinct colors.
This is how a sample report page looks like:
Based on available data, this report section displays the following key metrics:
Load and dump events (map-wise)
Utilization MapUtilization Map
Selecting this section provides a map-wise display of utilization data related to your selected asset tag(s). This information will be available as a map image with highlighted hotspots in relevant, distinct colors.
This is how a sample report page looks like:
Based on available data, this report section displays the following key metrics:
Medium and long idle events (map-wise)
Selecting this section provides runtime data (working, idle, etc.) related to your selected asset tag(s). This information will be available as a time-based tabular chart.
This is how a sample report page looks like:
Based on available data, this report section displays the following key metrics:
Working time data
Idle time data
Start engine time data
Stop engine time data
Selecting this section provides utilization-related metrics of your selected asset tag(s). This information will be available in a tabular format.
This is how a sample report page looks like:
Based on available data, this report section displays the following key metrics:
Top 10 idling events
Operational summary
Selecting this section details out all operational metrics for your selected asset tag(s). This information will be available in a tabular format.
This is how a sample report page looks like:
Based on available data, this report section displays the following key metrics:
Time summary
Fuel burn and carbon emission summary
• When Support asset tag is selected, only Runtime will be available to select under Sections.
• Grade and Compact asset tags are currently not supported.
Configuring Shift Summary Data Using Custom Reports
You can schedule a customized Custom Report to access all shift data offline to share or further analyze.
This replaces Shift Summary Report.
To schedule Custom Report with shift summary data:
Click .
This displays Schedule Report. Under Type, Custom Report will be selected by default.
Add Report Name.
Select a site that supports shifts. This enables the Reporting drop down.
Under Shifts, select from Shift 1-3.
Choose Asset Tag and Asset Identifier.
Under Sections, select every option EXCEPT Volume and Runtime.
Set Duration as you wish.
Fill in the remaining details (units of measurement and email information). To know more, refer to Schedule Report.
Click Schedule.
You can now access a report with shift summary data containing the following metrics (by asset tag):
Hauler and loader:
Total hauler payload
Total hauler cycles
Overall utilization
Average hauler cycle time
Average loader cycle time
Average loader payload (AP Assets)
Hauler utilization
Loader utilization
Hauler cycle count/hour
Loader cycle count/hour
Load & Haul assets - cycle count
Load & Dump zones - cycle count
Load dump map
Hauler payload/hour
Loader payload/hour
Assets load dump
Zones load dump
Top 10 idling events
Operational summary
Utilization time summary
Utilization fuel burn summary
Load out:
Total load out payload
Total load out cycles
Overall utilization
Average load out cycle time
Average load out payload
Load out utilization
Load out cycle count/hour
Load & Dump zones - cycle count
Load dump map
Material ID summary - payload
Truck ID summary - payload
Zones summary
Top 10 idling events
Operational summary
Utilization time summary
Utilization fuel burn summary
Total scraper payload
Total scraper cycles
Overall utilization
Average scraper cycle time
Average scraper payload
Scraper utilization
Scraper cycle count/hour
Load & Haul zones - cycle count
Load dump map
Scraper payload/hour
Material ID summary - payload
Truck ID summary - payload
Zones summary - payload
Top 10 idling events
Operational summary
Utilization time summary
Utilization fuel burn summary
Configuring Runtime Data Using Custom Reports
You can schedule a customized Custom Report to access all runtime data offline to share or further analyze.
This replaces Runtime Report.
To schedule Custom Report with runtime data:
Click .
This displays Schedule Report. Under Type, Custom Report will be selected by default.
Add Report Name.
Runtime data is available for the following time periods:
Daily: Select a site that records day-wise data.
Choose Asset Tag and Asset Identifier.
Under Sections, select Operations and Runtime.
Set Duration to a single day of choice.
Shifts: Select a site that supports shifts. This enables Reporting drop down.
Under Shifts, select from Shift 1-3.
Choose Asset Tag and Asset Identifier.
Under Sections, select Operations and Runtime.
Set Duration as you wish.
Fill in the remaining details (units of measurement and email information). To know more, refer to Schedule Report.
Click Schedule.
You can now access a report with runtime data containing the following metrics (by asset type):
Shift-wise data
Day-wise data
Number of assets