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Payload Details
Payload Details contains material and payload information. The loader or load out loads payload information to a truck, from start of the truck load time to Truck Store time.
You can access Payload Details report from the following pages:
On Insights, under Production, Utilization, and Summary. The selected tab becomes the default reporting type.
On Production (Insights), select Asset Tag as Loader – Load & Haul and download payload details report based on Asset Serial Number and Make filters.
Select Type as Insights Report and Reporting as Payload Details.
To schedule a payload details report, the site should have at least one loader or load out asset with valid subscriptions.
Based on available data, the report displays the following metrics in tabular format:
Serial number
Truck start time (site timezone)
Truck store time (site timezone)
Truck total buckets
Truck payload
Material description
Material ID
Truck description
Truck ID
Custom list 1-4
Printer ticket number
Here is a sample Payload Details report: