Summary (Insights) Report
Summary (Insights) report displays an offline copy, listing a broad summary view of all vital asset KPIs and metrics in tabular form.
You can access Summary (Insights) report from the following pages:
On Summary (Insights), select download to access broad summary data in detail for selected parameters.
Select Type as Insights Report and Reporting as Summary. For information on filling in the remaining fields, refer to Insights Report (CSV).
Based on available data, the report displays the following metrics in tabular format:
Date and time
Total asset count
Asset ID
Serial number
Total cycles count
Total payload
Total runtime
Total fuel burned
Total efficiency
Productive efficiency
Total cost
Total distance
Estimated payload
Measured payload
Estimated efficiency
Measured efficiency
Total idle time
Long idle time
Total working time
Average cycle time
Total working fuel burned
Total idle fuel burned
Fuel burn rate
Cycles per hour
Payload per hour
Payload per cycle
Cost per cycle
Cost per payload
Cost per hour
Fuel cost
Operating cost
Working cost
Idle cost
CO2/Carbon emitted
Here is a sample Summary (Insights) report (as a .csv file):