Payload Details - Single Asset Report (XLS)

Use Payload Details - Single Asset (XLS) report to get the complete productivity data for a single asset in the account. Some of the key metrics include

  • payload sequence,

  • load end time

  • load weight and

  • truck description.

Schedule this report for Advanced Productivity-subscribed assets and receive regular updates on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. 

You can create, edit and delete asset list summary report on Reports.

Based on available data, the report displays the following key metrics:

  • Payload time (UTC)

  • Payload sequence

  • Weight

  • Load end time

  • Total buckets

  • Load weight

  • Material ID

  • Load end time

  • Truck ID

  • Truck description

  • Custom tag 1

  • Custom tag 2

  • Custom tag 3

  • Custom tag 4

  • Printer ticket no.

Here is a sample Payload Details - Single Asset Report: