Summary View Options on Fleet View

On Fleet View, data is displayed as charts. Based on date selection, either a single day or a date range, the X axis displays hours or days respectively. The data displayed differs based on the KPIs and asset tag selected. The KPI selection options for Fleet View include:

  1. Load Count: Number of cycles moved by the assets.

  2. Payload: Total weight of materials measured by the assets.

  3. Segment: Working and idle hours of the assets.

  4. Estimated Volume: Volume of material moved by the assets.

(Click on the KPI name to navigate to respective Fleet View sample.)

  1. Load Count

    On Fleet View, the Load Count chart displays on a daily or hourly basis based on the selection of date range and asset tag. Hover over a bar to view its Total Load Count and the asset’s Load Count for the selected date/time.

  2. Payload

    Displays the Payload data as charts on a daily or hourly basis depending on selected date range. The X-axis displays Payload data, and the Y-axis displays the date/time. Hover over a bar to view the Total Payload and the asset’s Payload for the selected date/time.

  3.  Segment

    Displays a donut chart of the overall Asset Cycle Time of the selected asset tag, with the legend given below. View Cycle Detail KPIs at the left of the donut chart as cards.

    The production KPIs displayed here change based on the selected asset tag.

    Click on a section of the donut chart to view its corresponding details on its left.

    • The Loader – Load & Haul or Load Out asset’s supported segments are displayed in the segment donut charts.
    • Assets that perform loading activities in a site are tagged as Loader - Load & Haul or Load Out. They can be:
             ° Wheel loaders, which have two segments:
                        • Travel Loaded
                        • Travel Empty
             ° Excavators, which have two additional segments:
                        • Swing Loaded
                        • Swing Empty
    • Click on a segment of the donut chart to view corresponding KPIs in detail:
             ° Segment Time (percent of selected segment against total segment time)
                         • Minimum Time
                         • Maximum Time
    View ImageView Image

  4. Estimated Volume

    Displays the Estimated Volume metrics for selected assets and date range as a bar chart. Hover over a bar to view the Total Volume and that of the asset tag for that day/time.

    If shifts are created and scheduled for a site, you can filter the data based on it by clicking filters  .