Production (Asset) Tab

With Asset Production, find out about an asset’s overall operational performance.

To know more about the other tabs or the information above them, refer to Asset Details Dashboard

  1. KPI: Select from among the following production KPIs to view corresponding chart, KPI card and tabular data:

    • Cycle Count

    • Cycle Details

    • Cycle Distance

    • Cycle Fuel

    • Cycle Time

      For Cycle Distance, Cycle Fuel and Cycle Time chart view, the following applies:
      • All applicable segments display as a distinct-colored column.

      • Click on any segment column to see data for that based on the selected date range. Click close  next to the segment's chip to go back to the main KPI chart view.

    • Daily Run

      • Interval: Use to change the scale of the graph to 15 minutes, 30 minutes, one hour, 1.5 hours and two hours.

    • Payload

    • Payload/Cycle

    • Payload/Fuel

    The following KPIs are exclusive to cold planers:

  2. Date Range: Choose the date range to view the KPI data for the following time periods:

    • Today

    • Yesterday

    • Last 7 days

    • Custom Range (up to 31 days)

  3. Chart View: Displays the data depending on KPI and date range selected in a visual format. This can be in the form of column graphs, pie charts (cycle details) or time blocks (daily run).

  4. KPI Cards: Displays metrics related to the selected production KPI to track and analyze at a glance.

    • For the following KPIs, the KPI card section isn’t present:
             ° Daily Run
             ° Cycle Distance
             ° Cycle Details
             ° Cutting & Not Cutting Time
             ° Cut Distance/Fuel
    • Click info  in a KPI card to view its definition. Click Learn More to visit the respective Help Center article providing more information on that KPI.

  5. Table View: Lists down the day-wise data generated by the selected asset. Depending on the KPI and date range selected, it could be single or multiple days-worth of data and ordered differently. 

    Click the Date column to sort data in ascending (from earliest date) or descending (from latest date) order.

    You may find the following two types of null values within a particular table view:
    • "0": Indicates that no corresponding work was carried out for that particular metric (distance, hours, payload etc.).
    • "--": Indicates that no value was recorded for that particular metric (distance, hours, payload etc.). 

  6. Download  : Save the asset’s data as one of the following to further share and analyze offline:

    • Cycle Details (CSV): Obtain comprehensive application cycles -based data for the asset for a single day. This covers metrics like cycle duration, dump distance, moved payload and more.

    • Payload Details (XLS): Obtain comprehensive payload-based data for the asset across a single day. This covers metrics like payload sequence, load end time, load weight and more.

      Cycle Details (CSV) and Payload Details (XLS) reports are only available when you select a single day.
      • You can only schedule these two reports for assets capable of recording cycle and payload files. This requires a subscription of Base Plan as PerformancePro with Optional Plan as Advanced Productivity.

    • Asset Details (CSV): Download the entire asset’s tabular view data for the selected KPI and date range as a .csv file.

    • Asset Details (XLS): Download the entire asset’s tabular view data for the selected KPI and date range as a .xls file.

      • Depending on the columns you configure, the same will reflect in the downloaded report.
      • You can only download these reports for Advanced Productivity-subscribed assets.

  7. Configure Columns  : Tick the columns you want displayed on Asset Production table. You can also rearrange the display order to make for easier viewing.

    Depending on the number of columns added and where, navigate with the arrows available above the table view.

  8. Show (rows): Choose between 20, 40, 60 and 80 table rows to be displayed at a glance.