Manage Files: More Options

On Files, manage an uploaded file using more options  next to the file name to:

  • Manage syncing of files to the sites' assets. 

  • Copy site images from one site to another.

  • Download files to share with teams and further analyze.

  • Delete files and remove them from the site.


Manage Sync

• You can only manage file syncing for the following file types:
         ° .cal (calibration file)
         ° .dc (calibration file)
         ° .dsz (design file)
         ° .vcl (design file)
         ° .xml (landXML design file)
         ° .ggf (geoid file)
         ° .sgf (shift grid file)
         ° .dat (snake grid file)
         ° .dgf (GPS Pathfinders Office-geoid datum grid file)
         ° CoordSystemDatabase.xml (Cat Grade/Trimble Earthworks Coordinate System Database file)
• This option is only applicable for assets with the following:
         ° EC520 grade control devices.
         ° (Contact your dealer for assistance with the subscription settings below.)
            Current Plan as New VisionLink on Dealer Services Portal with either of the following subscription settings:
                ▪ Base Plan as Performance - 10 minutes with Optional Plan as Grade Connectivity.
                ▪ Base Plan as PerformancePro with Optional Plan as 3D Productivity.

• Once you start syncing a file with a site's assets, you won't be able to turn the syncing off. 
• Once synced, geodata files deleted from the application won’t be removed from the asset. 
         ° Ensure that the uploaded CoordSystemDatabase.xml is accurate before syncing to the site’s asset(s). 
         ° If your site has a custom geoid file, edit the CoordSystemDatabase.xml file before re-uploading and syncing to the asset(s).

Once files have been uploaded to a site, you can sync them to the assets operating within that site. This helps ensure that

  • all assets are working with the correct calibration and design files,

  • you can view comparison between assets if the calibration or design file is updated,

  • the assets' onboard display visualizes the latest designs and

  • share calibration and design files without requiring USB drives to then manually upload on each asset.

To manage syncing a file to the site's assets:

  1. Click more options  against the file you want to copy.

  2. Select Manage Sync.

  3. On Manage Sync, check the assets you want to sync the uploaded files to.

    • If your site has multiple assets, use the search bar to narrow down the assets of interest.
    • If you want to select all assets in one go, use the checkmark next to the column names.
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    • The asset needs to be keyed on so that files can be transmitted via the asset telematics system to the Grade ECM. 

  4. Click Sync

  5. Syncing will take some time, indicated by the In progress status.

    If you want to sync the file to more assets within that site, wait until the current syncing process completes.

  6. The files can only be synced to the respective asset(s) if the asset is keyed on and set up to handle file management. Contact your dealer to learn more.


Copy File

You can only copy site images (.tiff) that have been processed and added to an existing site. 

To copy a file to another site within your account:

  1. Click more options  against the file you want to copy.

  2. Select Copy.

  3. On Copy File, under Site, select the site you want the file copied to. 

  4. Click Copy.

• To copy a file, it needs to be processed and added to an existing site. 
• Copying a file to another site will replace any existing file if the two files have the same file name. 


Download File

To download a file:

  1. Click more options  against the file you want to download.

  2. Select Download.

  3. Once the download completes, the file is saved on your device.

You can also download files that can be added to a USB device. These files can then be uploaded via the USB device to the asset directly. Refer to Download Files to USB Device to know more.
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Delete File

To delete a file:

  1.  Click more options  against the file to be deleted.

  2. Select Delete.

  3. Click Delete once more to remove the file.

As an Admin, you can delete uploaded .ttm (survey files), keeping in mind:
• If a site has multiple survey files, you must delete the latest (by date and time the survey took place) file before you can delete older survey files. 
• While deletion is in progress, you cannot upload any new survey file or delete another uploaded survey file.
• If you’re in the midst of uploading a file, you can only delete another survey file after the upload is complete.
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• You may be deleting a geodata file that’s already been synced to a site’s asset(s). If so, the file will be removed offboard (on the application) but will remain onboard [on the asset(s)]. 
• If you’re deleting design files synced to a site’s assets, the files will be removed offboard and onboard. 
• You cannot delete a calibration file, once uploaded offboard (to the site on the application).
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