Manage Ticket: More Options

On Tickets table view, click more options  to:

  • Send or resend the ticket to a recipient not originally added on Remote List.

  • Download the ticket as a .pdf file to share with others.


Send/Resend Ticket

Sending a ticket helps you if the recipient you intend to share the ticket with is not saved or added permanently.

To send a ticket:

  1. Navigate to Tickets for the asset of choice.

  2. Scroll down to the table view and click more options  of the ticket you want to send.

  3. Select Send.

  4. Alternatively, preview the single ticket information by clicking on the desired ticket. Click Send  to share the ticket with others.

  5. On Send Ticket, enter the recipient’s email ID. Press Enter or Return.

    You can also use Enter or Return to add more email IDs between each entry.

  6. You can further check or uncheck the added email IDs. Click Send to share the ticket with the added recipient.

    You can also ensure you’re sending out the correct ticket by clicking Preview  on the top right.

After sending a ticket once, you can repeat the action. This is helpful if 

  • you want to send it to more recipients temporarily or 

  • need to share it with the same recipients as the previous time.

To resend a ticket:

  1. Navigate to Tickets for the asset of choice.

  2. Scroll down to the table view and click more options  of the ticket you’ve sent before.

  3. Select Resend.

  4. Alternatively, preview the single ticket information by clicking on the desired ticket. Click Resend  to share the ticket with others or the same recipients you've sent to before.

  5. On Resend Ticket, enter the recipient’s email ID or check/uncheck the already-present email IDs from previous times you sent the ticket.

    You can also add new recipients. Type in their email ID under Add Recipient and press Enter or Return.

    You can also use Enter or Return to add more email IDs between each entry.

  6. Click Resend to share the ticket once again with the added recipients.

    You can also ensure you’re sending out the correct ticket by clicking Preview  on the top right.


Download Ticket

You can download and further share a ticket as a .pdf file.

To download a ticket:

  1. Navigate to Tickets for the asset of choice.

  2. To download all ticket information as a .csv file, click Download  to save the complete list to your device.

  3. To download a single ticket information as a .pdf file, scroll down to the table view. Click more options  of the ticket you want to download.

  4. Select Download.

  5. The download will generate. Once generated, save it in your folder of choice on your device. 

  6. Alternatively, preview the single ticket information by clicking on the desired ticket. Click Download to save as a .pdf file.

Here is a sample ticket: