Reports are a snapshot in time, based on data available when the report is generated (three hours after shift-end). Reports are not sent again until new data is available.
The delay may be caused by cellular connectivity and when an asset can off board data.
Another reason can be if an asset is powered off using battery disconnect instead of key switch. Here, Cat Telematics may not be able to transmit data until the battery disconnect and key switch are turned back on.
Cycles occurring nearing the beginning and end of shifts are not present in shift summary or shift comparison reports for cases when cycles:
Start and finish outside of scheduled shift hours (before or after).
Start before a shift’s start time but finish before its end time.
Start and finish after shift-end, but before the report is generated (three hours after shift-end).
Scheduled reports are created based on sites and shifts data. Hence, any existing scheduled reports will be deleted upon the removal of its associated sites.
Currently, reports only show Google Maps images, and not user-uploaded ones.
With Insights Report (CSV), you can send information to the Sharepoint site. With this report, you can create custom charts or graphs.
Refer here to learn more.
Recipients of any scheduled reports will receive the email within three hours after the report generation. This can sometimes range between two to three hours.
Advanced Productivity-subscribed Loader – Load & Haul or Load Out assets will produce two sets of payload values in the following places:
On Sites Dashboard, Insights and in Cycle Details Reports, which represents the payload recorded by the onboard payload system. This recording is captured when the asset has determined a “productive” cycle (loading or load and carry) has occurred. The cycles are captured automatically based on proprietary algorithms and are neither shown to the operator nor confirmed by the operator. Due to the application and operational differences, the “productive” cycles may not capture all loading scenarios.
On Payload Details Reports, E-Tickets, Tickets (Asset), and onboard printer tickets, which represents the payload value recorded via the operator pressing the Store button or the auto-store function. The recorded values display to the operator for each pass and as a total value for each truck.