Upload Geodata Files

Geodata files are sometimes used when site calibrations are created. If a surveyor uses a geodata file (like a geoid file) when creating the calibration file (.cal), the geoid files need to be uploaded to the asset.

You can now upload geodata files on VisionLink Productivity to a site. Then, you can sync them onto the asset’s Geodata folder.

This ensures more accurate reporting of site and asset data.

• To know more about geodata files, reach out to your project’s survey manager.
• The following geodata file types are supported:
         ° .ggf (geoid file)
         ° .sgf (shift grid file)
         ° .dat (snake grid file)
         ° .dgf (GPS Pathfinder Office-geoid datum grid file)
         ° CoordSystemDatabase.xml (Cat Grade/Trimble Earthworks Coordinate System Database file)
• You must also upload calibration and CoordSystemDatabase.xml files to the relevant site as well.
• The geoid, calibration and CoordSystemDatabase.xml file names should match, both offboard (on the application) and onboard the asset.
• Any .xml file not named as “CoordSystemDatabase.xml” will be considered a design (landXML) file.
 • You can only upload one calibration and geoid file type per site. If you want to re-upload a geoid file of a particular file type, you’ll need to delete the existing one first.

For an optimum experience while using geoid files, upload files in the following order:
1. Calibration file
2. Geodata file
3. CoordSystemDatabase.xml file

To upload geodata files onto VisionLink Productivity:  

  1. Navigate to Manage > Files.

  2. Click  .

  3. Select the desired site.

  4. Upload the following files:

    • Calibration file

      • Ensure any newly uploaded calibration file has the following referenced:
               ˚   Specific geodata file with file name.
               ˚   CoordSystemDatabase.xml file.
      • Your site may already have a calibration file uploaded prior. If so, you can upload geodata file without it referenced in the calibration file.

    • Geodata file

      • Only one geodata file of each file type can be uploaded to a single site at time. Delete the existing geodata file of a particular file type before uploading another one of the same type.
      • Ensure the geodata file has the specific geodata file with file name referenced.
      • You can upload either published or custom geodata files.
               ˚   If you’re uploading a custom geoid file, ensure you’ve edited the CoordSystemDatabase.xml file to reference the same.

    • Relevant CoordSystemDatabase.xml file

      • The CoordSystemDatabase.xml file should be referenced in both the geodata and calibration file uploaded to that site.
      • For custom geoid files, you’ll need to update the CoordSystemDatabase.xml file accordingly. To learn more, refer to Edit CoordSystemDatabase.xml File for Custom Geoid Files.

        Caution: If an .xml file is not named “CoordSystemDatabase.xml”, the application will consider it as a design (landXML) file and assign it the Design category. Ensure the file is named accordingly.

  5. Give it some time for the files to upload. DON’T close or refresh the browser. You can still navigate to other pages within the application. A success message displays confirming when the upload is complete.

    To know more about uploading files, refer to Files > step five onwards.